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Agronomic characteristics and nutritional compositions of six clover cultivars were studied, and the results showed that, in low altitude area in Hunan province, Canadian red clover took on higher drought-resistance, disease-resistance and insect-resistan

Agro-Obrtnicka Banka d.d.: Zagreb; Gen. Man.- Durdica Kunstic. 农业手工业银行:萨格勒布;总经理-杜尔迪查·昆斯蒂奇。
Agrobacterium A genus of soil bacteria, the species A. tumefaciens being the causative agent of CROWN GALL, a type of tumor in plants. 根癌农杆菌:土壤中存在的一种农杆菌,可以感染双子叶植物的受伤组织诱发一种植物的肿瘤-冠瘿瘤。
Agroeksport: Rruga 4 Shkurti 6, Tirana; telex 2137. 农产品出口公司:地拉那。
Agroforestry A system of cultivation common in many parts of the tropics, especially in rainforest regions, in which forestry and arable farming are mixed. 农业林学:在许多热带地区特别是热带雨林地区的一种耕作方式,它混合了林业和种植业。
Agron's sentence was commuted by Governor Rockefeller after prominent citizens, including Eleanor Roosevelt, made a plea for clemency on Agron's part. 后来一些显要的人物,包括艾里诺·卢斯福等人恳求对阿格隆进行宽大处理,他们指出阿格隆的贫穷——不仅他的家庭经济状况十分窘困,他的心灵也很贫瘠。
Agronomic characteristics and nutritional compositions of six clover cultivars were studied, and the results showed that, in low altitude area in Hunan province, Canadian red clover took on higher drought-resistance, disease-resistance and insect-resistan 摘要为了筛选出在湖南省低海拔地区适应性较强的三叶草品种加以推广应用,2003~2005年采用随机区组设计,对6个三叶草品种进行了农艺性状观察和营养成分测定。
Agronomists and the like have taken to breeding all sorts of vegetables and fruits ----changing their original nature . 农学家之类的人物搞起了各种蔬菜和水果的培育一一改变它们原有的特性。
Agronomy A branch of agriculture dealing with soil management and crop production. 农学,农艺学:农业的一个分支,主要研究土地的管理和作物的生产。
Aguardiente is distilled from sugar cane or molasses, occasionally made from grapes and typically bottled without aging or rectification. 这是一种从蔗糖或蜜糖浆中蒸馏的酒,有时也使用葡萄蒸馏获得,不需要熟化和过滤即可装瓶上市。
Aguirre JC. Effect of acute alcohol intoxication on the opioid system in humans. Alcohol 1995;12(6)∶559—562. 孟庆林,胡长林,侯廷奎.盐酸纳络酮拮抗乙醇中毒作用机理的探讨.中国急救医学1996;5∶2—4.
Aguri contacted me and from there it was relatively easy to bring it all together. 亚久里联系过我,从那时起,把所有资源组合到一起就相对容易了。

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