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I was respected not as Mrs. Henderson's grandchild or Bailey's sister but for just being Marguerite Johnson.

I was reimbursed in full. 我已得到全部补偿.
I was reluctant in private, because I am playful but proud too. 我之所以没有私下向你道歉,是因为我没把这当回事,而且还很自负。
I was reluctant to add the postage to the letter, knowing that once I mailed it, the decision could not be reversed. 我不太愿意把邮票贴到信封上,因为我知道一旦把信寄出,这个决定就不能更改了。
I was reluctant to do over the stitching in the dress. 我不愿意把衣服上的线脚拆了重缝。
I was reminded of my promise. (有人提醒我不要忘了我的承诺。)
I was respected not as Mrs. Henderson's grandchild or Bailey's sister but for just being Marguerite Johnson. 有人尊敬我,并不是因为我是汉德森夫人的外孙女或是贝利的妹妹,而是因为我是玛格丽特?约翰逊。
I was responsible for advertising designs. 我负责广告设计。
I was responsible for the public bidding of equipment, the business negotiation and to draft out contract, to do the procedure for equipment import. 参与赛轮子午线轮胎厂新公司筹备工作,负责设备的招标,商务谈判及外事合同的编制,办理设备进出口手续。
I was returning from hunting, and walking along an avenue of the garden, my dog running in front of me. 我打猎归来,走在沿着花园的林荫道上,我的狗在我的前面跑着.
I was returning to my tent after recording the exotic music of the dancing men of Pushkar and was replaying the music on my tape recorder. 我被他的微笑吸引住了,于是向他走近,我们开始用手语和笑声谈论起来。
I was revolted by his dirty habit of spitting. 我很讨厌他随地吐痰的恶习.

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