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It may be necessary and very important for urgent or bed side blood purification treatment with a mobile miˉni-water purifying system.
紧急或床边血液净化治疗需要移动式透析水处理 ,目前固定式的集中供水系统无法满足临床急诊或床边使用的要求。

Transurethral plasmakinetic resection of prostate for treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia; 经尿道等离子体双极电切术治疗前列腺增生
Prevention and treatment of complication of transsphenoidal microsurgery for pituitary adenomas; 经单鼻孔-蝶窦入路垂体瘤切除术并发症的防治
Evolution:from Naturalism to Liberalism; 进化,从自然主义到自由主义
Preliminary report on quantitative trait loci mapping of false smut resistance using near-isogenic introgression lines in rice; 近等基因导入系定位水稻抗稻曲病数量性状位点的研究初报
The inherent difference between Chinese traditional medicine and western medicine caused widespread disputes in scientific circles,medical arena,the philosophy and the political. 近百年来,自从西方医学在传教士的帮助下进入中国,由于中西医学之间理论和技术的差异,引起了科学界、医学界、哲学界、政治界的纷争和较量,中医药因此而数次陷入生存与发展的困境。
It may be necessary and very important for urgent or bed side blood purification treatment with a mobile miˉni-water purifying system. 紧急或床边血液净化治疗需要移动式透析水处理 ,目前固定式的集中供水系统无法满足临床急诊或床边使用的要求。
OBJECTIVE To study the relationship between concentration of carbamazepine in serum and saliva in epileptic. 结论卡马西平在血清与唾液中的浓度有良好的相关性,相当于血液中游离状态的卡马西平浓度,而且测定唾液浓度的方法取样简便、无创伤,因此更有临床意义。
The positive proportion of blastospore and /or pseudohypha in abnormal shape feces was highe. 结论粪便中检出芽生孢子和(或)假菌丝对诊断念珠菌性胃肠道感染有重要价值,尤其要关注抗生素应用患者。
Purpose:To offer the scope of bone mineral density(BMD)for the osteoporosis in different age by quantitative CT in the senile. 结论 :骨质疏松与年龄呈正相关 ,不同年龄段的老年人应有其不同的骨密度CT参考值。
Objective To assess the value of ultrasonography in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of cystic lesions of the neck. 结果88例颈部囊性病变中,甲状舌管囊肿38例(43。
Results:the stressors of Chinese and American students included three factors:Survival Anxiety,Social Anxiety,and Role Stress. 结果:中美大学生的应激源均包括生存焦虑、社交恐惧和角色紧张三个因素;缓冲因素由社会支持和自我效能感两个因素组成。

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