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There have been two Dalai Lamas and one Panchen Lama chosen from Lhalu's family.

There have been strange happenings here lately. 这里近来发生了一些怪事.
There have been strong reports in the media that the two players have already agreed deals with the Turin giants, but they represent just another bone of contention between the Coach and his club. 两位球员已经同意加盟都灵巨人的消息最近被媒体报道得沸沸扬扬,但是他们声称教练和俱乐部还要就转会问题进行另一场谈判。
There have been ten swimming fatalities (ie Ten people have lost their lives while swimming) this summer. 今年夏季已有十人游泳遇溺.
There have been three cases involving 15 police offices between June last year and this February in which no charges have been laid. 由去年六月至今年二月被廉署调查的警员中有十五名最终没有被起诉。
There have been too many unpleasant innuendoes in this debate and not enough facts. 在这场辩论中据实而争者少, 含沙射影者多, 令人生厌.
There have been two Dalai Lamas and one Panchen Lama chosen from Lhalu's family. 拉鲁家族,曾产生过两世达赖和一世班禅,是旧西藏最显赫的家族之一。
There have been unnecessary fights at home too, chiefly with the central bank. 在国内也已有一些不必要的争斗,主要是同中央银行之间。
There have been various attempts to remove this dualism, or make it more palatable. 人们曾作出各种努力来消除这种二元论,或使它更合乎口味。
There have been victories for openness. 开放也取得了胜利。
There have long been question regarding whether or not an FCC main fractionator needs relief valve protection for anything except some smaller events ,like steam –out or fire . 关于是否要FCC标准下主分馏器的的电子管来保护除了像蒸汽或炉火等一类的小事件之外的器件,已经成为了一个长期争论的问题。
There have many ideas on personality, and difference, subjectivity and individual are focused on. 摘要不同的学科对于个性有着不同的理解。

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