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A feature that helps to identify, tell apart, or describe recognizably; a distinguishing mark or trait.

A feather floats about on the air, especially on a windy day. If there is a shower of rain, the feather will get wet and heavy with water, and then it will sink straight to the ground. 羽毛会在空中四处飘动,尤其是在多风的天气。如果遇上阵雨,就会因为淋上雨水变湿就沉,然后就会垂直落回到地上。
A feather, wing, fin, or similar appendage. 羽、翼或鳍状结构羽、翼、鳍或类似的悬着物
A feature of computer virus that is the unique channel by which viruses can enter from one system into another system. 计算机病毒的一种特性,它是病毒从一个系统进入另一个系统的唯一途径。
A feature of computer virus that is the unique channel by which viruses can enter from one system into another system. 计算机病毒的一种特性,它是病毒从一个系统进入另一个系统的唯一途径。
A feature of the two courses is a set of web-based tools designed to help a student visualize and experiment with various microeconomic concepts. 这两组课程的一个特色就是利用网络工具的视觉化与实验性功能去帮助学生理解与掌握微观经济学的概念。
A feature that helps to identify, tell apart, or describe recognizably; a distinguishing mark or trait. 特性:能帮助明显地辨认、区分或作描述的特征;突出的标记或特征,这里解释为轮廓比较合适。
A feature, such as an advertisement or calender, inserted as a centerfold. 插页特写作为特大折叠插叶用的一份特写,如广告或日历
A federal investigation is underway to determine how many employees list diploma-mill degrees on their r é sum é s and whether tax dollars are funding sham credentials. 一项联邦调查正在进行,旨在查清有多少雇员在其简历中列入了“文凭作坊”提供的学位,以及税款是否在用于资助假文凭。
A federal judge has granted class-action status to a lawsuit that claims Wal-Mart's denial of health insurance coverage for birth control is unfair to female employees. 一位联邦法官近日对沃尔玛公司一起集体诉讼案进行了裁决。判定沃尔玛公司拒绝支付女员工的节育健康保险费用的做法有失公平,因而败诉。
A federal judge in Los Angeles issued an injunction preventing the navy from using high-powered sonar in training exercises off the coast of southern California . 洛杉矶的一名联邦法官发布一项禁令,禁止海军在加利福尼亚南部海岸训练时使用大功率声纳。
A federal judge is dismissing Valerie Plame's lawsuit against top White House officials. 一名联邦法官驳回了瓦莱丽皮恩对白宫高官的指控。

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