Our plant is situated in the west suburb of Jiangyin City, bordering on Changzhou City to the west, the Changjiang River to the north, Zhangjiagang Port and Jiangyingang Port to the east.
公司说明:厂位于江阴市西郊,西邻常州市,距离沪宁高速公路常州段出口处2公里,北临长江,东接张家港和江阴港口,距离上海、南京汽车站仅1小时的路程,水、陆、空交通便利,通讯设施齐全。 |
Our plant looks small compared to some giant plants being located in the region of Suzhou, but it is a first significant step for us here.
与苏州某些大型工厂相比,我们的工厂看起来比较小一些,但这是我们在此跨出的颇具意义的第一步。 |
Our plant selects import &domestic made two kinds of hard alloy blank materials according to consumers' requirements.
该产品根据用户要求选用进口和国产两大类硬质合金毛坯料。 |
Our plastic spirals are made of quality plastic filaments to meet the top quality requirements. A wide range of colours is available to match your any design requirement.
详细说明鸿图采用优质胶线,制造出质量上乘的胶线圈,确保能满足客户的严格要求。而丰富多姿的颜色选择,更能迎合不同设计的需要。 |
Our plate was made in China.
我们的盘子是中国生产的。 |
Our play was, as a whole, a success.
整个看来,我们的戏算得上是成功。 |
Our players opened up with forward passes.
我方球员向前传球,发动了攻势。 |
Our points of view are at opposite poles .
我们的观点截然相反. |
Our policies are getting outdated and need revising, but to try to swap horses in mid-stream might be dangerous.
我们的政策渐渐过时了,必须要修改,但是中途改弦易辙可能是危险的。 |
Our policies are in tune with the needs and the aspirations of the people.
我们的政策和人民的需要与愿望是一致的。 |
Our policies have to be checked against one clear test: will they improve the people's living standard?
评判我们的政策只有一个不容含糊的标准:即这些政策能否提高人民的生活水平? |