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An RBSP is either empty or has the form of a string of data bits containing syntax elements followed by an RBSP stop bit and followed by zero or more subsequent bits equal to 0.

An Office of Sex Offender Management will be set up to oversee it all. 州里将设立一个“性罪犯管理办公室”,总体监督所有牵涉事项。
An Olympic athlete must be strong not only in body, ut also in mind. 一位奥林匹克运动员不但要有强健的体魄,而且要有良好的心理素质。
An Ongoing Voyage. Library of Congress exhibit. 1492年:进行中的航行。国会图书馆展览。
An Oregon man has filed a $1.6 million loss of companionshipclaim against a neighbor who ran over his family's 13-year-old dog, Grizz. 美国俄勒冈州一位名叫马克·格里纳普的男子近日将自己的邻居雷蒙德·威沃尔告上了法庭,并向其索赔160万美元,原因是威沃尔开车将他家的一条狗轧伤,并最终导致该犬死亡。
An Orientation Checklist and Three Month Progress Review Form accompanies the introduction form of Non-Exempt employees. 一份新进员工演示文稿会议检查表及为期三个月的试用期绩效考核表,连同有加班费员工的简介表格。
An RBSP is either empty or has the form of a string of data bits containing syntax elements followed by an RBSP stop bit and followed by zero or more subsequent bits equal to 0. 要么为空,要么是包含语法元素的串式位流,后跟一个表示RBSP结束的停止位,紧接着一些为0的填充位。
An RS code is twice powerful at erasure correction than at error correction. 里德所罗门码对「抹除」的更正能力是一般错误的两倍。
An S band SSA+CFAchain is experimentally studied in this paper. 可靠性指标也将大大提高,由于不需要灯丝预热,可实现放大链的瞬时开机。
An SCM repository is a busy hub of activity. 一个配置管理库就是一个繁忙的活动枢纽。
An SF team that cannot call in artillery or air strikes is like a rifleman who doesn't know how to aim his weapon. 不会召唤炮兵或飞机轰炸的特种兵就好像普通步枪兵不会瞄准一样。
An SFTI graduate is roughly equivalent to a US Air Force weapon system officer. 一名SFTI的毕业学员基本相当于一名美国空军的武器系统军官。

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