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Professional agency of imported steel wire, hydraulic components, tightening pieces, inductor, Sanyo motors, power head etc.

Professional Service Management System:We have an employee leasing (employee dispatching) professional service management system and the systematic operation mode starting form employee disposition to HR service process, document management, labor contrac 专业的服务管理系统:由专业公司定造的人才租赁(人才派遣)专业服务管理系统,从人才的配置到人才服务流程、档案管理、劳动合同管理等一系列管理进行全系统化的管理操作模式。
Professional Service Providers are Registered Partners that wish to provide their own pre and/or post-sales Professional Services to End Users. 专业服务提供商是指愿意向最终用户提供他们自己的售前和/或售后专业服务的注册合作伙伴。
Professional Spirits of Snow, which embodies on the liability of pursuing fact, principle of justice and independency, style of bravery and sensitivity, presents characters of personality and etc. 斯诺新闻职业精神体现在求真求实的职业责任、独立公正的职业操守、关爱人民的职业情感和勇敢细致的职业作风等方面。
Professional Subscribers may, on a non-continuous basis, furnish limited amounts of the Information to customers: in written advertisements, correspondence, or other literature; or during voice telephonic conversations not entailing computerized voice, au 基于非连续性的原则,专业订阅者可以提供客户有限的资讯:书面广告、信函、或其他印刷品;或经由电话交谈、非电脑录音,自动资讯查询系统,或类似技术。
Professional Way's four day workshop is an introduction to “Action Enquiry” and the seven stage developmental leadership model. 专伟为期4天的课程引入“行为问询”和领导力发展七阶段模型。
Professional agency of imported steel wire, hydraulic components, tightening pieces, inductor, Sanyo motors, power head etc. 企业简介:专业代理进口钢丝,液压元件,紧固件,感应器,三洋电机,动力头等机电产品.
Professional and Quality Services is the foundation of Wise Company which is formed by experienced professional men, aiming at providing efficient &effective one-stop services and advices to companies and organizations for cost saving in meeting company n 智言公司自2003年开业以来一直以专业,优质的多元化服务,协助各大公司或团体以更合理的成本满足各种发展需要,因我们拥有不一样的团队~全部的成员均为业内的资深人士,拥有丰富经验以至广大的网络,务求竭尽所能,为客户提供快捷优质的一站式服务及建议。
Professional and business environments suit you well. You enjoy the progressive, creative, enterprising, outgoing, lively life style that participating in a progressive or professional activity brings you. 职业化和商业化的环境非常适合你。你喜欢充满进取心、创造性、需要外出奔走的、有活力的生活方式。这种生活方式是由参加一项拓展性的或职业性的活动带给你的。
Professional boxing is no bed of roses. 职业拳击不是一碗好吃的饭。
Professional collection agency (D&B RMS) for receivable collection. 由专业应收账款管理公司帮助催收应收款。
Professional education in accounting of the general manager enables the Company does well in investment and financial management. 本公司的总经理是财会专业人才,擅长投资理财。

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