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That is the unfortunate part of the case.

That is the theory, at least. 至少,理论上是那样的。
That is the thrust of the latest report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), a United Nations body set up to pronounce authoritatively on the science of global warming. 这是政府间气候变化委员会最新报告的中心内容,该委员会由联合国设立,负责发表全球暖化科研活动的权威性报告。
That is the tragedy of human beings. 这是人类的悲哀。
That is the true nature of leadership. 那就是领导力的真正本质。
That is the ultimate reward. 这,将是你的极致成就!
That is the unfortunate part of the case. “这是整件事中最不幸的。
That is the unvarying standard of my feelings. 这就是我一成不变的感情。
That is the upshot of a league board meeting yesterday that demanded reassurances from the administrators, KPMG, about the nature of the sale to Bates before it would endorse his takeover by handing over the club's share in the Football League. 昨天联赛委员会董事会讨论决定,要求利兹俱乐部现在的监管人毕马威公司对将俱乐部出售给巴特斯一事的性质再次做出保证,这是他们同意这桩买卖并最终交出联赛委员会手中股票的前提。
That is the usual upper limit of the noise of wind rustling through bushes and of the murmurs of an audience, which might have drowned the actors out. 这是风吹过灌木或者一位观众窃窃私语所发出声音频率的上限,通常就是因为这些声音会将表演者的声音淹没。
That is the utmost I can do. 那是我能做的极限。
That is the utmost respect we can give life. 这才是我们给予生命的最崇高的尊重。

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