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Appressorium (pl.appressoria) In many parasitic fungi, a flattened hyphal structure that presses closely against the host epidermis.

Appreciation is the key to happiness. 幸福的第一个秘诀是感激。
Apprectiate the abundance of what's good in your life, rather than measure and amass things that do ot actually lead to happiness. 感激生活中大量愉快的事情,而不是权衡和堆积那些实际上不能带来幸福的事情。
Apprehension by the senses. 领会掌握通过感官领悟
Apprenticeship is the most traditional way of vocational education. 摘要学徒制度是世界上最古老的职业教育形式。
Apprenticeship programs must be fully documented and in compliance with applicable local laws. 学徒工计划必须有书面的实施制度和程序,且符合当地法律规定.
Appressorium (pl.appressoria) In many parasitic fungi, a flattened hyphal structure that presses closely against the host epidermis. 附着胞:在许多寄生真菌中,一种紧密接触寄主体表膨大的菌丝结构。
Approach and engage a pretty girl in conversation with no prompting from anyone. 邂逅并邀请一个漂亮的姑娘,在每人鼓励的前提下与之交谈。
Approach from the East and egress South. 友军在目标东北方800米处,掩护良好。
Approach love and cooking with reckless abandon. 对爱情和烹调都一样不能轻言放弃。
Approach number 2: We don't care. 可能性2:我们漠不关心。
Approach the soft palate with the root of your tongue, with a narrow chink left; pronounce with the breath squeeze out of the chink. 发音时,舌根接近软腭,中间留有窄缝,气流从窄缝中挤出而发声。

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