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I have reservations for this weekend.

I have rented the car for two years/months/days. 我们已经租了该车有两年/月/日的时间了。
I have rented the house out to a very nice family. 我把房子出租给了一户很好的人家。
I have repaired the radio. 我修好了收音机。
I have requested the international community to take action against this occupation, this act of unprecedented aggression against our sovereign state. 我已经请求国际社会对这种对主权国家的占领和前所未有的侵犯采取反击行动。)
I have reservation for this Sunday. My name is Dexter. 我预定了本星期日的房间。我的名字叫德克斯特。
I have reservations for this weekend. 我预定了本周末的房间。
I have reserved a flight ticket under your name and asked them to deliver it to us in ten minutes. 我们已经订了下班机而且要求他们在十分钟内递送机票给我们。
I have resigned from the AI lab to deny MIT any legal excuse to prevent me from giving GNU away. 我已经辞去了AI实验室的工作以免MIT有任何法律上的借口来阻止我发布GNU。
I have restrained my feet from every evil way, That I may keep Your word. 诗119:101我禁止我脚走一切的邪路、为要遵守你的话。
I have retired from an army academy ,I have income for no work,1.6m high, 50kg weigh with a good looking, traditional,kind, honest, confident, organized,forword looking and intelligent.if we love each other, I would like to go with you to anywhere.if you 我是玫瑰花,玫瑰带刺,不是为了刺伤别人,只是为了保护自己.我只想找能吸引我的人,当然最好是相互吸引,方能维持一份稳定的感情.高知家庭出生,从小受到良好教育,相貌端庄,气质高雅,兴趣广泛,为人真诚,收入稳定,善持家,生活悠闲.
I have reviewed carefully the above information and hereby guarantee its correctness. 以上资确由本人填写,并经详细检查,保证正确无误.

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