A judicious historian selects and weighs facts carefully and critically.
明智的历史学家以小心翼翼、批判性的态度权衡事实。 |
A judicious parent encourages his children to make their own decisions. The reason for such strange behavior is beyond my ken.At the most critical juncture we took turns in watching that point.
最为紧急的关头。 |
A juggler needs great dexterity.
玩杂耍的人必须手指非常灵巧。 |
A jumbo card has been changed into different card that matches the changed card selected by the audience.
一张特大的扑克牌可以神奇地变成另一张牌,而牌上的符号恰好与观众已选而转变的牌一模一样。 |
A jump in ballet during which the dancer crosses the legs a number of times, alternately back and forth.
空中交叉跳跃一种芭蕾舞动作,舞者在空中多次前后交叉双腿 |
A junk sailing on Huangpu river near the largest crane of the Shanghai shipyard.
黄浦江里的一艘舢板驶过上海船厂最大的一台起重机。 |
A junky novel.
毫无意义的小说 |
A jurist of great breadth and wisdom.
一个非常开明且睿智的法官 |
A juror selected as a substitute in case another juror must leave the jury panel.
陪审团成员之一必须离场时,挑选一人以代替该名陪审员进行听审。 |
A jury must unanimously agree that confinement is necessary, and finally a judge must rule on the matter.
被推断危险而中选的前科犯将被置于高度防范的精神病院设施之内,但与其他病人分隔而居。 |
A jury of inquest.
验尸陪审团 |