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Ann, the sample we can complete on Monday and send it on Tuesday. i wanna know, shall we send it to you firsthand or Jack?

Ann will be a very useful addition to our team. 安来到我们队给我们增加了一员干将。
Ann's face and back are covered with freckles. 安的脸上和背上长满了雀斑.
Ann's friendliness with Diana is only skin-deep. 安与黛安娜的友谊只是表面的。
Ann's mother forbids her to go out with Andrew. 安的妈妈不准她和安德鲁出去.
Ann's mother gets after her to hang up her clothes. 安的妈妈盯著她把衣服挂好。
Ann, the sample we can complete on Monday and send it on Tuesday. i wanna know, shall we send it to you firsthand or Jack? 安,样板我们周一可以完成,周二会安排寄出.我想知道,样品是寄给你还是直接寄给杰克呢?
Ann: And that last save by our goalie was incredible too!! Our team really is too good to beat! 刚才守门员的那个扑救真是不可思议!我们的球队简直是不可战胜的!
Ann: Are you going out on a call, by any chance, Mr. Thompson? 安:汤普生先生,您是不是正要出去拜访客户?
Ann: But I'm not two hundred years old. Why can't I sleep in pajamas? 安妮:但我还没成老太婆呢!为什么不能让我穿睡衣裤?
Ann: By the way, I heard Kitty's just got in a shipment of Jamaican Blue Mountain. 小安:顺道一提,我听说凯蒂咖啡刚进了一批牙买加蓝山。
Ann: Could you do me a favor? 安:能不能请您帮个忙?

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