Manitoba became a province in 1870, British Columbia in 1871, Prince Edward Island in 1873, Alberta and Saskatchewan in 1905. |
中文意思: 1870年马尼托巴成为一个省,1871年英属哥伦比亚加入,1873年爱德华太子岛加入,1905年艾伯塔和萨斯喀彻温加入。 |
Manila Shopping Area &Tagaytay To horse!, Philippines!
马尼拉购物商区&大雅台游湖骑马,菲律宾! |
Manila's sexy Kink Cakes bakery heating up for a funny Valentine's Day.
马尼拉的有一个性感的变态蛋糕面包店,出售的好笑的情人蛋糕。 |
Manipulate the less fortunate and the stupid.
操纵那些不幸的和愚蠢的人。 |
Manipulation of magic grants her a shield of mana to absorb physical impact.
她精通魔法,因此有能力创造出一个魔法盾牌来抵挡敌人的攻击。 |
Manipulation that any metal into the CMP battery connection or the power supply fan-out, and cause short-circuit, at this time, the battery can protect it automatically quickly, the condition of short-circuit will vanish, and the battery get right automat
任何金属对CMP电池接口或电源输出端操作短路时,电池都会自动快捷的保护起来,短路状态消失,电池自动恢复正常工作不锁死,即保证笔记本电脑的100%安全. |
Manitoba became a province in 1870, British Columbia in 1871, Prince Edward Island in 1873, Alberta and Saskatchewan in 1905.
1870年马尼托巴成为一个省,1871年英属哥伦比亚加入,1873年爱德华太子岛加入,1905年艾伯塔和萨斯喀彻温加入。 |
Mankanga Ismail, who planted hybrid trees about six years ago.
当地的每棵树能产5-6捆小果肉果实。 |
Mankind appropriates about a quarter of what is known as the net primary production of the Earth (this is the plant tissue created by photosynthesis)—a lot, but hardly near the point of exhaustion.
人类消耗了1/4的被称作地球主要净产出的产品(由光和作用产生的植物组织),虽然很多,但离耗尽还远得很。 |
Mankind can not live on the moon where there is no air and water.
人类无法在月球上生存,那里没有空和水. |
Mankind censure injustice, fearing that they may be the victims of it and not because they shrink from commintting it.
人类对于不公正的行为加以指责,并非因为他们愿意做出这种行为,而是惟恐自己会成为这种行为的牺牲者。 |
Mankind faces “a planetary emergency”, he said; “a crisis that threatens the survival of our civilisation and the habitability of the Earth.
他说人类正面临“星球危机”,“一个威胁着人类文明延续和地球可居住性的紧要关头”。 |