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He noted a progressive speech impediment.

He not only speak English but also French. 他不但会说英语,而且会说法语。
He not only wants to excel —— he does excel. That's not easy. 遇事想争个第一,而且能挣到第一,这就不简单。
He not only washed the car, but (also) polished it. 他不仅冲洗汽车,而且擦拭了它。
He not only washed the car, but polished it as well. 他不仅冲洗汽车,而且擦拭了它。
He notched Portugal's fourth with a stunning strike from outside the area before Israel substitute Dani Bondarv made his presence felt with a crude challenge in the 69th minute. 在以色列替补丹尼·邦达夫上场之前,第69分钟,他打入了葡萄牙的第四个进球,这个漂亮的进球是从禁区外打入了,让那位刚上场的对手感受到赤裸裸的挑战。
He noted a progressive speech impediment. 他发觉,说话障碍逐渐厉害起来。
He noted that Afghanistan has just held a democratic election. 他指出,阿富汗刚刚举行了一次民主选举。
He noted that many Japanese still remember when Japan did not produce a lot of food after World War Two. 日本进口超过一半的食品.但是它仍然在一些产品设置高关税和其他限制,特别是大米,水果和牛肉。
He noted that the Customs Tariff of China was a charge imposed on imported goods. 他指出,中国的关税是对进口货物征收的费用。
He noted that this distinctive asymmetry in the human population is itself systematic. 他注解到这种在人类中独特的不对称性是自成体系的。
He noted the disharmony between husband and wife. 他觉察出这对夫妇不太和睦.

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