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And you, you've gotta feel shame.

And you, fill up the measure of your fathers! 32你们去充满你们祖宗的恶贯吧!
And you, no matter where you come from, could also become an American should you want to.. Then you would become another addition to America's wonderfully rich nation of immigrants. 无论你来自何处,如果你想成为美国人,就会成为美国人;你就会变成这个极其富有的移民之国的一个新份子。
And you, son of man, Thus says the Lord Jehovah, Speak to every kind of bird and to every beast of the field, Assemble yourselves and come; gather yourselves from all around to My sacrifice which I sacrifice for you, a great sacrifice upon the mountains o 17至于你,人子阿,主耶和华如此说,你要对各类的飞鸟和田野一切的走兽说,你们聚集来罢,要从四围聚集来赴我的祭筵,就是我为你们宰献祭物,在以色列众山上所豫备的大祭筵,好叫你们吃肉、喝血。
And you, son of man, prophesy against Gog and say, Thus says the Lord Jehovah, Indeed I am against you, O Gog, prince of Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal. 1人子阿,你要向歌革说豫言攻击他,说,主耶和华如此说,罗施、米设、土巴的首领歌革阿,我与你为敌。
And you, son of man, take a sharp sword; take it as a barber's razor and pass it over your head and over your beard; then take scales to weigh with, and divide the hair. 1人子阿,你要拿一把快刀,当作剃头刀,用这刀剃你的头发和你的胡须,拿天平称须发,分成三分。
And you, you've gotta feel shame. 至于你,你应该感到惭愧。
And you... I wish I didn`t feel for you anymore... 还有你,多麽希望我不再想起你...』
And your chin is poking out...draw it in! 你的下巴突出来了,收回去。
And your company will have parties too. 公司也会有聚餐。
And your covenant with death shall be disannulled, and your agreement with hell shall not stand; when the overflowing scourge shall pass through, then ye shall be trodden down by it. 赛28:18你们与死亡所立的约、必然废掉、与阴间所结的盟、必立不住.敌军〔原文作鞭子〕如水涨漫经过的时候、你们必被他践踏。
And your eyes saw what I did to Egypt. 我在埃及所行的事,你们亲眼见过。

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