With the influence of Hellenism, Greek and Mesopotamian astronomy and astrology were introduced.
随着希腊文化的影响,引入了希腊和美索不达米亚的天文学和占星术。 |
With the ink now dry on the Hong Kong deal, bankers are predicting that a similar deal could take place in Australia in the next three months, followed by another transaction in Singapore in the next six months, and transactions in Japan and Korea towards
随着香港此笔掉期交易的完成,银行业人士预测,未来3个月,澳大利亚可能会出现类似交易,而未来6个月同样的情况将出现在新加坡,今年年底前,日本和韩国也将出现类似的交易。 |
With the inner container's application of German Teflon tube,it is adhesive-resistant and high-temperature resistance(can arrive 250℃)with excellent flexbility,and eliminates charring.
沟灌内壁采用特氟龙材料,具有良好的柔韧性、防粘性及耐高温性(最高可达250摄氏度),级大减少了胶的炭化现象。 |
With the inreasing number of Postmenopausal nowdays,Osteoporosis related to menostasia is attracting more and more attention from social,whose prevention and cure is one of important topic in heath care of many countries.Its therapeutic progress is going
当今随着绝经后妇女人数增加,与绝经相关的骨质疏松症日益受到社会广泛关注,其预防、治疗已是当前许多国家重要保健课题之一,近年其治疗进展迅速,现就绝经后骨质疏松症的药物治疗、非药物治疗进行综述。 |
With the insight of big open-up, great investment, WUDI will turn on the new face of development and build the effulgent future of China Date Town.
无棣将以大开放,大招商的胆识和气魄开启大发展的的新局面,打造中国枣乡光辉灿烂的明天! |
With the instruction of Dumbledore's Army, Harry unknowingly developed himself something of an army, possessing a lot of knowledge necessary to their task.
通过向邓家军成员指点魔法,他在无形中为自己组建了一支部队,这支部队获得了完成他们任务所必须的大量知识。 |
With the integrating cause analysis, the typical floods of different weather systems are determined.
通过成因分析和聚类分析,确定不同天气系统的典型代表过程。 |
With the integration of exhibition information from both home and abroad, the company organizes domestic corporations, government organizations, and groups participation in well-known expositions and fairs all over the world, arranging business trips and
公司整合境内外各领域会展资源,常年组织国内企业、单位、机关、团体等各界客户参加国际著名的专业博览会和交易会,开展经贸、技术考察和交流活动等。 |
With the integrity of historical awareness and poetical imagination, these poems have transcended the traditional homesick poetry and reflected Du Fu's patriotism.
其西南诗不仅数量多,而且所表现出的深邃思想内涵和炉火纯青的艺术技巧,为我们展现了一位老而弥坚、不断追求的“诗圣”形象。 |
With the intelligent, the wise, the learned, the devout and the dutiful --with such a virtuous, intellectual man should one associate.
要常亲近贤明的人、有智慧的人、博学的人、忠诚热心的人、尽责的人---常跟这些智德兼备的人来往。 |
With the intense competition of international trade, the advertisements play an increasingly important role in improving the product's acceptance.
面对不断提升的国际商业竞争,如何提高产品的知名度,广告的效用不容小觑。 |