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We are all sisters and brothers in Jesus Christ.

We are all prisoners of our past. 我们都摆脱不了往事的羁绊。
We are all prone to think there is something wrong with the mental processes of the man who disagrees with us. 我们都有这种倾向,认为跟我们意见不同的人,心智的运作过程一定有毛病。
We are all responsive to each other because we are all part of a single being. 只因我们是同一个存在体的各个部分,我们就会互相反应。
We are all running faster and faster on our pointless, addictive wheels of busyness and we have become inefficient, frazzled and fractious. 我们在毫无意义且让人上瘾的忙碌车轮上越来越快地运转,变得低效率、疲惫而暴躁。
We are all servants of the people. 我们都是人民的公仆。
We are all sisters and brothers in Jesus Christ. 在耶稣里我们都是兄弟姐妹。
We are all slaves of opinion. 我们都是意见的奴隶。
We are all subject to the laws of nature. 我们都受到自然法则的支配。
We are all supposed to keep a diary of what it is like to go without TV for a week. 我们准备参加个试验:没有电视陪伴的一周,我们的生活将会怎样。试验期间我们的心路历程都将被以日记的形式记录下来。
We are all the more sorry for her because she failed after all her efforts. 因为她那么努力还是失败了,所以我们都为她感到倍加遗憾。
We are all the sons of one man. Your servants are honest men, not spies. 11我们都是一个人的儿子,是诚实人。仆人们并不是奸细。

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