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Henry was disconcerted to find that he had come to school without combing his hair.

Henry tried to pull the heavy cart, but to no avail. 亨利想拖动那辆沉重的车子,但白费力气。
Henry turned a page or two and the title of a poem caught his eye. 亨利随便翻了一两页,一首诗的标题引起了他的注意。
Henry used to travel by train. 亨利过去常坐火车旅行。
Henry was anxious to let his mother know he was in the orchard, so he started to shout as soon as she came within range. 亨利急于想让母亲知道他在果园里,所以当她一到听得见的距离内他就叫了起来。
Henry was detained, but in the dark of night he broke free, plunged into the river, and escaped on a log. 亨利被扣,但夜间乘黑溜走,跳进河里,抱住一根木头逃脱。
Henry was disconcerted to find that he had come to school without combing his hair. 亨利发现他没有梳头就来到学校时,心里很慌乱。
Henry was ejected from the club for failing to pay the money that he owed. 亨利由于未能交付欠款而被逐出该俱乐部。
Henry was glad to be home again. 亨利很高兴又回到家里。
Henry was sick and could not take part in the meeting last night. 亨利病了,昨晚他不能够参加会议。
Henry was taken captive almost at the first engagement. 亨利几乎是刚一交战就被俘了。
Henry was the pseudonym of William Sydney Porter, who wrote colorful short stories with surprising and ironic twists. 1898年,他因挪用公款(在银行工作期间)被判刑入狱。

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