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Sixteen months after its creation, officials say, the top-secret version of Intellipedia has 29,255 articles, with an average of 114 new articles and more than 4,800 edits to articles added each workday.

Sixteen (29.6%) newborn were small for gestational age. 16例(29.6%)新生儿为小于胎龄儿。
Sixteen cases of cholelithiasis complicated by atrial fibrillation in the past three years have been summarized. The relationship between cholelithiasis and atrial fibrillation is analyzed. 对三年来共16例胆石病合并房颤病历进行了总结,对胆石病与房颤的关系进行了讨论。
Sixteen closed-circuit television cameras were installed recently to improve security in northeastern Terengganu state's main government administrative complex, but they serve an additional purpose of keeping tabs on some 1,000 workers there, Terengganu S 马国东北部丁加奴州的州政府办公大楼最近装设了16具闭路电视摄影机来加强安全措施,但装设这些摄影机还有另一个目的,那就是可随时掌控大楼里近1000名公务员,丁加奴州州务卿莫克塔向「星报」表示。
Sixteen days ago, the General Assembly of the United Nations concluded a three-day Special Session on fighting the world drug problem, sounding a clarion call for an unprecedented worldwide war against drugs. 16天前,联合国大会结束了为期三天的世界反毒品特别会议,从而吹响了规模空前的全球反毒战的号角。
Sixteen major projects were launched, including projects to develop giant oil and gas fields and coal seam gas, design and develop a new generation wireless broadband mobile communications network, design and produce large aircraft, develop manned spacecr 大型油气田和煤层气开发、新一代宽带无线移动通信网、大型飞机设计与制造、载人航天与探月工程等16个重大专项陆续启动。
Sixteen months after its creation, officials say, the top-secret version of Intellipedia has 29,255 articles, with an average of 114 new articles and more than 4,800 edits to articles added each workday. 官员说,创立16个月后,绝对机密版的「情报百科」已有29,255个条目,每个工作天平均新增114个条目,另有逾4,800笔增编。
Sixteen of the Los Angeles Galaxy's final 17 games are scheduled to be broadcast nationally. 银河队的最后17场常规赛中16场将在全美进行直播.
Sixteen people dead on the job, and the seventeenth, in precisely the same situation, figures out a way to live. 十六个人呆板地做着工作,而第十七个,几乎处于同样的情况,却找到另外一种生活方式。
Sixteen percent of British drivers have become so heavily reliant on satellite navigation systems that they have given up keeping a map in their car. 的英国司机严重依赖全球定位系统,所以他们的车里都没备地图。
Sixteen photos are selected in this volume. 莫理循的这部分收藏共60多幅,本书选入16幅。
Sixteen tumors were located in the midbrain, three in the pons, and one in the medulla oblongata. 其中16人肿瘤定位在中脑,3人在脑桥,1人在延髓。

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