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Well, so much the better if you stay. All the treasure'll be mine!

Well, shall I continue?” he asked, sitting down comfortably on the divan. 好了,我会继续?他问,坐下就舒服窟.
Well, since No.×and No.× have the same ballot /poll, both have to say /defend for themselves. 好,下面请票数相同的×号和×号开始为自己辩解。从××号开始辩解。
Well, since Susan broke her leg, we can count her out of the mountain hike on Sunday! 唔,苏珊腿摔断了,那我们星期天就不找她一起去爬山啰!
Well, since we'll be working together, I reckon it sounds we're drinking yet. 既然我们要一起工作了,我想我们应该先去喝一杯吧!
Well, so far it looks good. Why don't you put a little cedar fence across the back? 目前看起来还不错,你为什么不在后面装上围栏?
Well, so much the better if you stay. All the treasure'll be mine! 哈,你能坚持住就好。所有的宝藏是我的了!
Well, some parts of the world are very dark; caves, coal, under the bed during the night. 好,世界的一些部分非常暗;洞穴,煤矿,夜间的床底下。
Well, supposedly one hour, but it's sometimes longer. 嗯,大概需一个小时,但有时时间会长些。
Well, talking about saving time, we have overnight mail to ensure fast delivery. 我们也有便捷省时的快递邮件,当天寄第二天马上收到。
Well, thank you for calling. 好了,谢谢你打电话来。
Well, thank you for joining us today. 谢谢你今天和我们共度这一刻钟。

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