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Since Iceland is quite close to the North Pole, there is no darkness in summer and no daylight in winter.

Since I was absent from your last negotiation,I would like to have you clue me in on what happened! 我没有参加上次的谈判,我想请你介绍上次谈判的情况.
Since I was brought up there, it has become an inseparable part of me too. 虽未必卫生和健康,可是便宜美味自不在话下。
Since I wrote to you last time, there has happened a lot. 自从上次给你写信以来,这里发生了许多事情.
Since I'm practicing already for one week and a half since I finished Cincinnati, been improving a lot. 因为辛辛那提之后我已经训练了一个半星期,提高了很多。
Since I've learned so much from parenting my children, I thought I'd teach you some of the things I've learned. 带孩子的过程中我学到很多东西,我想自己可以教教大家所学到的一些。
Since Iceland is quite close to the North Pole, there is no darkness in summer and no daylight in winter. 因为冰岛靠近北极,所以冰岛的夏季没有黑夜,冬季没有白昼。
Since Iraq, Mr Bush has tried to build coalitions against proliferation. 在伊拉克之后,布什就试图建立联盟来打击核扩散。
Since Israel is stubborn Like a stubborn heifer, Can the Lord now pasture them Like a lamb in a large field? 何4:16以色列倔强、犹如倔强的母牛.现在耶和华要放他们、如同放羊羔在宽阔之地。
Since I’m not nearly ready, I have almost nothing to say. 由于远没有准备好,我几乎没什么可说的。
Since Jack wouldn't take up the job, we might as well ask Richard to do it. 既然杰克不愿意承担这个任务,我们只好请理查德来干了。
Since James and Lily began dating in their seventh year, they would both have been of age to do magic outside school by then. 从七年级开始,詹姆和莉莉开始约会,那时他们都已经可以在校外使用魔法了。

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