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A: o, it's smaller. But the traffic jams still make me crazy.

A: i want to stay looking good. 我要继续保持苗条的身段。
A: i'll raise the tax for cars! 我会提高汽车税.
A: it's really good. How do you practise? 你的英语真的很好。你怎么练习的?
A: maybe,but in the meantime why not help me find the remote control for my garage door? 可能会吧,但现在为什么不帮助找找遥控把车放打开呢?
A: not really..... from Boston to GF is only about 4,5 hours, if you start a bit earlier you can make there til noon time. 初步准备自驾,但是有几点请有经验的朋友指点一下。一个是因为只有两天时间,自驾开车的时间会很长,会不会很疲劳。
A: o, it's smaller. But the traffic jams still make me crazy. 是的,它比较小。但是交通堵塞的情况仍然让我心烦。
A: since u have been to china several yrs ago, what's ur impression of my country? 既然你几年前来过中国,那么你对中国的印象如何呢?
A: so an open mind can help to prevent culture shock? 是否说没有偏见有助于避免因文化差异引起的不适呢?
A: so didn`t you come up against the dreaded culture shock? 那你没有遇到过什么可怕的差异吗?
A: this car is dirt cheap. 这辆车真是太便宜了.
A: when i do, i send the work back to the office over the net.but i don`t waste my time chatting. 我常常通过因特网把工作发回办公室,而我是不会把时间浪费到聊天上的。

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