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Men and women in white lab coats run from one glowing tube to another.

Men and goats have beards. 男人和山羊都有胡子。
Men and woman of assorted ages and degrees of prosperity rub shoulders and exchange opinions. 各种不同年龄和各种不同家境的男女互相接触并交换意见。
Men and women can't be friends. 男人和女人不可能成为朋友。这句可以跟女朋友说。
Men and women commonly argue about money, sex, decisions, scheduling, values, child rearing, and household responsibilities. 男女通常为了钱、性、决定、安排时间、价值、孩子的教养、家事责任等问题争论。
Men and women dedicated to the Faith and the worship of the Seven, the septons, septas, brothers, and sisters bear witness to the births, deaths, and marriages of all who follow their teachings. 献身宗教和敬拜七神的男人和女人,这些修士,修女,兄弟,姊妹们注视着那些跟随他们的教徒的出生,死亡和婚姻。
Men and women in white lab coats run from one glowing tube to another. 穿着白色实验服的男男女女奔忙在一个有一个发光的电子管。
Men and women of eighteen and above are eligible to vote. 年龄在十八岁以上的男女有投票表决权。
Men and women, young and old, to give us their time. 不管男女老幼,请他们贡献时间。
Men are afraid of becoming famous, just as pigs afraid of fattening. /Fame portends trouble for men just as fattening does for pigs./ A famed person and a fattened pig are alike in danger. 人怕出名猪怕壮.
Men are all children in nature. 男人的天性都是儿童。
Men are all the same - they just have different faces, so that you can tell them apart. 男人都是一样的——只是他们长有不同的脸,以便你能把他们区分开来。(找老公?闭上眼,拈一个,再睁眼把他记住。)

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