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Studies on Antibechic and Expectorant Effects and Chemical Componentsof Volatile Oil from Litsea Mollifolia Chun Flores

Studies on Accuracy of Formant Estimation by HLPC 用HLPC算法估计共振峰参数的精度研究
Studies on Adult Plant Resistance of Wheat Plant to Gerlach Nivalis 小麦成株期对雪腐格氏霉抗性研究
Studies on Amanita Fuliginea and Its Toxicity 灰花纹鹅膏及其毒性研究
Studies on Anatomy Structure Characteristics of Some Cycads and Adaptation of Them and Enviroment 部分苏铁类植物的解剖结构特征及其与环境的适应性研究
Studies on Antibacterial Actions of Ficus tikoua Bur. 地果(Ficus tikoua Bur.)抗菌作用检测
Studies on Antibechic and Expectorant Effects and Chemical Componentsof Volatile Oil from Litsea Mollifolia Chun Flores 毛叶木姜子花挥发油及其镇咳祛痰作用的研究
Studies on Antigenic Peptides of Glutathione S Transferase Sm/ of Schistosoma Mansoni 曼氏血吸虫谷胱甘肽S-转移酶Sm/的抗原肽研究
Studies on Antimutagenicity of Burdock 牛蒡抗突变作用的研究
Studies on Antitumor Boron Compounds Ⅲ.Synthesis of Organyloxy-diarylborane Chelates Containing Intramolecular B-N Coordination Bond and Antitumor Activity Thereof 含硼抗癌化合物的研究——Ⅲ含B-N内配键的螯合二芳基硼化合物的合成及其抗癌活性
Studies on Application of Two DNA Probes in Detecting M.TB 两种DNA探针杂交在检测结核杆菌中的应用研究
Studies on Assignment of N、P、K、Ca、Mg in Orchard Ecosystems 园生态系统营养元素N、P、K、Ca、Mg分布的研究

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