Pierce: And, how long have you been singing?
你唱歌唱多久了呢? |
Pierce: Do you think the Queen would like your singing?
你想,女王陛下会喜欢你唱歌吗? |
Pierce: I thought you are absolutely brilliant. I thought you sound that beautifully.
我认为你真的是棒呆了.我觉得你唱歌真是好听. |
Pierce: Which means there's one person, you need to really impress.
也就是说,这里还有一个人必须要让他喜欢你. |
Piercing Howl - No longer has a prerequisite (Improved Demoralizing Shout).
刺骨吼叫-此天赋将不再需要任何前驱天赋即可学习. |
Piercing howl is absolutely zero (or an immesurably low amount of) hate.
刺耳尖叫完全没有或有极微小的仇恨。 |
Piero Fassino, the general-secretary of the Democratic Left, the biggest party in government, said he suspected a plot to “blackmail the country”.
皮耶罗·法西诺,在政府中最大党的左翼民主党总书记说这是一个敲诈国家的阴谋。 |
Pierpont Morgan, stemmed the Panic of 1907, a financial crisis caused by unregulated trusts (the hedge funds of their day).
他在其华尔街的办公室中充当了实际上的最后贷款人的角色,受到了人们的追捧。 |
Pierre Png, a heartthrob who works for the same TV station, offered almost half of his liver to save her life in a complex operation which ended Wednesday.
皮埃尔蓬是位英俊潇洒的小伙子,和女友德克鲁兹在同一家电视台工作。在5月8日结束的高难度肝脏移植手术中,皮埃尔蓬为了要救活心上人,献出了自己的大约一半肝脏,移植给了德克鲁兹。 |
Pierre de Coubertin got the creed from a speech given by Bishop Ethelbert Talbot at a service for Olympic champions during the 1908 Olympic Games.
1908奥运会期间,埃希尔贝特-塔尔博特主教在为运动员布道时的讲话被顾拜旦采用,成为奥林匹克信条。 |
Pierre de Coubertin presented the symbol and the flag at the Congress in 1914, and it was first flown at the 1920 Antwerp Games.
顾拜坦在1914年把旗帜和其象徵呈现给委员会,到了1920年比利时安特卫普的奥运会上它才第一次飘扬。 |