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We wanted to offer help, but the fierce glare on his face stopped us.

We want to sit down and tie him to the club for longer, and really importantly for us and for our fans, he wants to do that. “我们想坐下来谈,把他和俱乐部的约束时间加长,这对我们和球迷真的很重要,他想要那样做。”
We want to try and win the FA Cup and Carling Cup as well. The goals are high this season. “我们也想要尽力去赢得足总杯和联赛杯。这个赛季,我们的目标很高。”
We want, and we expect, that there will be political support from the Arab countries to help stabilize Iraq, we hope that there will be economic support to that. 我们希望在稳定伊拉克局势上可以得到来自中东各国的政治支持,我们也希望得到经济支持,但显然我们最需要的是地区伊拉克政府更广泛的支持.
We want, and we expect, that there will be political support from the Arab countries to help stabilize Iraq, we hope that there will be economic support to there. “我们非常期盼和期望来自阿拉伯国家对稳定伊拉克的政治和经济支持。
We wanted to end the solar year well. Now we shall have some good holidays and then we shall see what will happen for the transfer market. 我们非常想完美地结束这个美好的一年.现在我们可以好好地享受一个美美的假期了,接着就是看看在冬歇的转会市场上将会有什么事情发生.
We wanted to offer help, but the fierce glare on his face stopped us. 我们想提出帮助他,但是他那种凶狠瞪视的目光使我们望而却步。
We watched the Merseyside derby and it made us realise just how difficult it is for the top teams immediately after an international matches,he said. “我们看了利物浦德比,这场比赛使我们意识到顶级球队在国际赛事期后的比赛是多么的困难。”
We welcome this opportunity and believe that once all the facts are known and the commercial purpose and terms of the transaction are fully understood, many initial misimpressions will be corrected, and many doubts and questions will be favorably resolved “我们欢迎这个机会,相信当所有的事实、我们交易的商业意图和交易条款都公诸于众后,很多原有的错误印象会得到纠正,很多疑虑都会得到解决。”
We went at once to the plantation the next evening, ensconced the blind father in the master bedroom, and I proceeded to make the change. “我们隔天的晚上便去了种植园,把他瞎眼的父亲安置在主人的卧室里,而我也开始发生了变化。
We went over a laundry list that could build bridges between Cuba and the United States, he [Cardinal O'Connor] said, adding, Obviously, releasing prisoners would be a brick in that bridge. 我们研究了一长串在古巴与美国之间搭建桥梁的办法,他说,并补充一句,显然,释放俘虏将为那座桥梁的一块砖。
We were a little flat on offense, our offense wasn't as crisp. Yao hit some tough shots to give them the lead. They were good. “我们进攻打得有些单调,我们的进攻不果断。姚投进了一些困难的入球让他们取得了领先。他们打得挺好。”

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