Whether other instinctual forces exist, such as a rough-and-tumble “play” system, is also being investigated.
是否还有其他如杂乱无章的「游戏」系统的本能存在,目前还在研究当中。 |
Whether penalties for driving with a high BAC or excessive taxation on consumption of alcoholic drinks will deter the excessive drinker responsible for most accidents is unclear.
对血液中酒精含量高的驾驶员进行惩罚或对酒征收高税,这两种做法能否对造成多数事故的过量饮酒人起到威慑作用,还尚无定论。 |
Whether performing solo or in tandem with other consultants, the seasoned adventure consultant shifts fluidly among three roles: consulting, training, facilitating.
不论是个人表现,或与另一谘询员相互配合,有经验的历险谘询员必须能在谘询顾问、训练员、引导师三个角色间转换自如。 |
Whether placement of nitrogen fertilizer below the layer of crop residue will reduce nitrogen immobilization is not clear.
对于把氮肥施在植物残体覆盖层以下是否会减少氮的固定,这个问题目前尚不清楚。 |
Whether poets syncretize the excellence of the Book of Songs and Li Sao or not also gives a main clue to grade the poets.
同时,是否融合《诗》《骚》的优点成为钟嵘品第诗人高下的主要线索。 |
Whether poor or lonely, we can live our lives elegantly.
无论贫穷还是孤单,我们芨哐殴颐堑纳睢? |
Whether promising, we'll go on an excursion to the Western Hill tomorrow.
天气要是合适的话,我们明天要到西山去玩。 |
Whether pure IFRS or not, all countries are prone to interpret the rules in ways that reflect their old national accounting standards, according to KPMG, an accountancy firm.
问题还不在于是否采用纯粹的IFRS,根据毕马威会计事务所的说法,所有国家都倾向按照自己国家的旧会计准则来诠释新准则的条例。 |
Whether queuing to get money out and queuing again to spend it, or breaking a $100 bill with an irate cab driver one minute and having your pockets and purses fat with coins the next, cash is plainly still king.
无论是排队取钱排队花钱,还是给递给出租车司机100美元让他找零,把他惹得恼怒不已,随后你口袋和皮夹里则装着鼓鼓囊囊的硬币,种种生活细节无疑都表明了一个事实:现金消费依然独占骜头。 |
Whether researchers receive compensation for their work does not justify a conspiracy.
无论研究者是否因为其工作得到补偿都不证明是阴谋。 |
Whether rich or poor and regardless of your background, you find enjoyable activities like games, parties, exploring various ethnic styles, or simply by enjoying a creative and interesting approach to daily activities.
无论你富有还是贫穷,也不论你的出生背景,你总是能找到愉快的活动,例如游戏、聚会、感受异域风情等,或者仅仅是以有趣的、创造性的方式来进行日常活动也能让你感到愉悦。 |