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Just kind of a professional butler in western country.

Just in the same way ought we to act all through life, and where there are things which appear most worthy of our approbation, we ought to lay them bare and look at their worthlessness and strip them of all the words by which they are exalted. 在我们的一生中,应该以方式行事,对那些看上去最值得赞许的事物,我们应该剥去其光环,露出其本来面目,看到它们也是毫无价值之物。
Just in the second half year, JHF invested nearly 150,000 RMB community development fund to Xin Xing Town, mainly for Jiang Cheng Village, Ji Xin Villiage and Dai Zhuangzi Village. 仅今年下半年,建华在新兴镇就投入了将近15万的社区发展资金,其中主要集中在蒋呈村,纪辛庄,和戴庄子三个社区。
Just in the thriving period of Tang Dynasty, famous teas were produced everywhere around Qingcheng Mountain, whenever it was about the Tomb-sweeping Day, numerous tea-picking girls were scattered among a vast expanse of fresh green, and tea songs were mel 正是盛唐时时期,青城山附近遍产名茶,每到清明前后,万千采茶女点缀一片翠绿之中,茶歌悠扬婉转,正是一副绝妙画图。
Just it is in print or someone said, it does not mean it is true! 即使是出版的或者是别人说过的,并不意味着那就是正确的!
Just keep it simple and innocent. 只要保持单纯就行了。
Just kind of a professional butler in western country. 就象西方国家的某种职业管家。
Just know that it was in existence when the Earth began to flower in its glory of creation. 仅仅知道当地球开始在造物的荣耀时候它是存在的。
Just last fall he seemed imminently beatable. According to results from the latest statewide Field Poll, as of July Schwarzenegger's job approval rating had rebounded to 49%, from 36% a year ago. 就在去年秋天,他似乎还不堪一击。根据最近在全州范围内的实地民调结果显示,7月份,民众对施瓦辛格工作的认可率已经从一年前的36%回升到49%。
Just last month on a visit to Beijing, IOC Vice Chairman Ludmilla Linberg urged city officials to further improve air quality. 国际奥委会副主席林伯格上月走访北京时,促北京市官员进一步改善空气品质。
Just last month, public outrage forced Pennsylvania lawmakers to roll back a pay hike they had given themselves in the dead of night. 就在上个月,怒气冲天的公众强迫宾夕法尼亚州议员取消了他们暗中给自己增加的工资。
Just last night on TV, there was a guy in the midst of breakup saying to a friend, “I think I feel something, like emotions. 就在昨晚的电视上,还有一个家伙在处于崩溃中时对一个朋友说:“我想我感到了什么,好像是情绪(激情?)

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