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The most straightforward way to do so would be to tighten up controlled-foreign-corporation (CFC) rules.

The most sophisticated robotic spacecraft ever built, the Cassini orbiter and the attached Huygens probe, were poised atop the launch vehicle, and seven years of interplanetary voyaging lay ahead. 在发射器顶端,即将展开数年行星际旅行的卡西尼号轨道船和惠更斯号探测器,是人类目前为止所建造最精密的自动太空船。
The most sorrow matter is in the life is you met a to you very important person, but you arrived the end to just discover, everythings are all a day after the fair, you have no the dint to return to day, have to allow it with the breeze but die. 生命中最悲哀的一件事是你遇到了一个对你来说很重要的人,但你却到了最后才发现,一切都太迟了,你却无力回天,只好任其随风而逝。
The most special of it lies in that the appellee will still institute incidental appeal if the deadline for apellee? appeal expires, if the appelle give up appeal or retract it. 其最特殊之处在于,被上诉人在上诉期间己满或舍弃上诉或撤回上诉后,仍可提起附带上诉。
The most startling variations, however, lie in the interest your money can earn. 然而,最令人吃惊的变化是你的钱可以赚到的利息。
The most straightforward method is to export a physical block device (a hard drive or partition) from dom0 directly to the guest domain as a virtual block device (VBD). 最常用的,最简单的方法是以物理块设备(一个硬盘或分区)做为虚拟系统的块设备。
The most straightforward way to do so would be to tighten up controlled-foreign-corporation (CFC) rules. 最直接了当的办法是加强受控外国公司规则。
The most stressful occurrence for many people today is the loss of a job. 今日,最令人痛苦的事情就是失去工作。
The most stressful occurrence is the death of a spouse. 最令人痛苦的事情就是丧偶。
The most striking evidence of the res-urrection of Jesus is the Apostle Paul. 耶稣复活最有力的证据在于使徒保罗。
The most striking feature of Xixia culture is its plurality, which was closely related with its open policy. 摘要西夏文化一个突出特点是多元性,这与西夏实行开放的国策密不可分。
The most striking feature of modem education technology is that it can mobilize students' various senses for simulated experience. 摘要现代教育技术最大的特点就是能充分调用学生的各种感官进行仿真体验。

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