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Interviewer: You've mentioned elsewhere that you've tried your hand at free verse only a few times.

Interviewer: Where do you think American poetry is today, as it has come down from the tradition? 你认为美国诗歌的现状怎么样,在这么脱离了传统之后?
Interviewer: Why did you choose us? 你为什么选择到我们公司来应聘?
Interviewer: Why do the actors wear roller-skates? 为什么演员都穿辊-冰鞋?
Interviewer: You knew Frost when you were a fellow at Harvard. 你在哈佛的时候就认识了弗洛斯特。
Interviewer: You mentioned being in campwith Hopkins and Lawrence. Were these two writers early influences on your work? Who else was an influence? 你提到你和霍普金斯、劳伦斯“属于同一阵营”,这两位诗人对你早期的作品有没有影响?影响你的还有谁呢?
Interviewer: You've mentioned elsewhere that you've tried your hand at free verse only a few times. 你在别的地方提到你只试写过几次自由诗。
Interviewer: Your resume indicated that you once organized an analy-sis of“how international companies develop in China”. 书摘面试官:你的简历当中提及你曾经组织过一次“跨国公司在华发展情况”分析,请你谈谈具体的情况好吗?
Interviewer: every artiste shows gratitude, that would not only affect the colleagues of the company but also influence the fans, they will feel it, that is one of the reasons that they will always support him. 主持人赵宁:每个艺人有感恩的心态,不仅会影响公司的同事,也能影响到歌迷,他们也会感受得到,所以才会一直拥护他。
Interviewer: “Are you jealous of your beautiful wife? 记者:“你是否嫉妒你那么美丽的妻子?”
Interviewers assessed the adolescents' nutritional intake and activities. 交谈者评估青少年的营养摄入和活动情况。
Interviewer:Can you cope with stress and pressure if things get extremely busy? 面试官:在极度忙碌的情况之下,你能不能应付压力?

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