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A person who promotes or attends cockfights.

A person who is virtuous is also courteous. 有德者必知礼。
A person who leaves one country to settle permanently in another. 移民离开自己的国家并到别国永久定居的人
A person who makes elaborate, fraudulent, and often voluble claims to skill or knowledge; a quack or fraud. 假内行,庸医,骗子精心制作或制造欺骗的人,而且对自己的技术或知识常常夸大其辞的人;江湖医生或骗子
A person who places a hedge to lock in a price for a commodity. He or she offsets the hedge and transacts in the cash market simultaneously. 一个人为了锁定某种货物的价格而进行的风险规避。他会在现货市场中同时进行交易来抵消这个风险。
A person who practices veterinary medicine. 兽医从事兽医医学实践的人
A person who promotes or attends cockfights. 举办斗鸡的人发起或出席斗鸡的人
A person who receives or is entitled to receive Communion. 受圣餐的人接受或赋予权力接受圣餐的人
A person who smiles in the face of adversity ... probably has a scapegoat. 一个面对灾难微笑的人……可能找到了一个替罪羊。
A person who speaks several languages fluently. 通晓数国语言的人一个能流利地讲好几种语言的人
A person who succeeds or is in line to succeed to a hereditary rank, title, or office. 继承者,后继者,承袭者承袭或依次即将承袭一个可世袭的官阶、头衔或职位的人
A person who treats others violently and roughly, especially for hire: ruffian, thug, tough. Informal hooligan. Slang goon, gorilla, hood. See attack/defend, crimes. 一个对待他人很粗暴和极端的人,尤其是在其雇佣他人时:流氓、暴徒、恶棍、小流氓、(俚语)受雇暴徒、(俚语)使用暴力的歹徒。参见“攻击/防卫,罪行”。

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