The one in the third lane is a Gold Medalist, John Henry.
跑在第三跑道的是金牌得主,约翰·亨利。 |
The one item you need is always in short supply.
你最需要的装备﹐一定经常短缺。 |
The one major signpost is change.
一个主要的路标就是改变。 |
The one man company refers to a limited company whose capital or shares are wholely owned by one shareholder.
摘要一人公司系指股东仅为一人,并由该股东持有公司的全部出资或所有股份的有限公司(包括有限责任公司和股份有限公司)。 |
The one meal I look forward to most each year is, without a doubt, thanksgiving dinner.
要说,每一年,我最期待的一顿晚饭是什么呢? |
The one night deposit becomes non refundable afterwards.
过了这个时间(至少提前三天)退订,则预付费用不可返还。 |
The one of emphases in practice of enterprises reforming is financial and accounting. From two sides of theory and practice, the paper studies the problem of finance and accounting.
摘要企业改制中的重点之一为财务与会计问题,从理论和实践两个方面对此进行了分析研究。 |
The one of important reasons why western science is called western science is that it is founded on rationalism and is Outcome of ought-to-be-so.
西方科学之所以是西方科学,其重要原因就是由于它是建立在理性主义基础上的,是“应当如此”的产物。 |
The one on the right looks like he's been hitting the Christmas sherry a little too hard!
右边的这位老兄看来已经撑不住了,节的雪利酒看来挺够劲儿! |
The one pager is for your own protection, to keep you from attempting too massive a term paper.
此单页报告是为了防止且避免你尝试长篇大论的学期报告。 |
The one particle that eludes confinement is the particle that transmits the force of gravity, and as a result, the law of gravity changes.
唯一能逃离监禁的粒子,就只有传递重力的粒子,因此之故,重力定律被改变了。 |