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Histologically, the skin in SLE may demonstrate a vasculitis and dermal chronic inflammatory infiltrates, as seen here.

Histological examination of the lesion and TB cultures confirmed the diagnosis. 经投予抗结核药物一年,患者已完全康复并无复发迹象。
Histological examination showed pustular dermatitis with spongiform pustules, consistent with a drug eruption. 组织学检查显示为海绵状脓疱性皮炎,符合药疹的改变。
Histological findings of the skin include flat dermal-epidermal junction, thinned dermis with compactly arranged collagen fibers, and hypoplastic appendage structures. 皮肤的组织学检查发现包括平坦的真皮-表皮交界,变薄的真皮有着紧密排列的胶原纤维,及发育不全的附属器构造。
Histological, immunohistochemical and gene expression analyses of endometriotic tissue proide detailed information on the angio-architecture of endometriotic lesions and the different growth factor expression by arious cell populations. 异位组织的组织学,免疫组化和基因表达分析为异位损伤的血管构造和不同细胞群表达的不同生长因子提供了详细信息。
Histologically, the hydatidiform mole has large avascular villi and areas of trophoblastic proliferation. Of course, ultrasound confirms the diagnosis before currettage is done to evacuate this tissue seen here. 组织学上,葡萄胎有粗大无血管的绒毛和增生的滋养层。超声确诊后,行清宫术。
Histologically, the skin in SLE may demonstrate a vasculitis and dermal chronic inflammatory infiltrates, as seen here. 病理学上,SLE患者皮肤可表现为脉管炎和真皮慢性炎性浸润,如图所示。
Histologically,diffuse distribution of eosinopholic cardiocytes with pyknosis was noted.Immunohistochemical staining for myoglobin discovered wide and diffuse loss of myoglobin throughout the ventricular myocardium.Ultrastructurally,the myocardial cell wi 组织学检查注意到弥散性分布伴有核碎裂的嗜酸性变性,肌红蛋白组化染色发现整个心室肌广泛性脱失,超微结构研究表明脱失肌红蛋白的心肌细胞存在线粒体肿胀和细胞内成分的堆积。
Histology of the proximal and distal tibia was made and the thickness of the growth plate was measured. [Result] Tibial osteotomy alone stimulated the longitudinal growth of the tibia and increased the thickness of the growth plate. [结果]胫骨中部骨干行单纯截骨后,增加胫骨纵向生长和胫骨远近端骨骺生长板的厚度,胫骨中部骨干行截骨延长后,胫骨纵向生长和胫骨远近端骨骺生长板的厚度没有改变。
Histology of the tumor revealed necrosis of salivary glands, squamous metaplasia of salivary ducts and acini with bland appearance of the squamous cells which showed occasional nuclear atypia. 病理特征为:唾腺坏死、唾腺管与腺泡的鳞状化生、其鳞状细胞外观平淡无奇,但偶可见异常细胞核。
Histology showed 1 case of spindle cell type A, 1 of spindle cell B, 10 of epithelioid cell and 7 cases of mixed cell type. 病理组识型:纺缍A型1例,纺缍B型1例,类上皮型10例,混合型7例。
Histology:The study of the structure of tissues by means of special staining techniques combined with light and electron microcopy. 组织学:以特殊的染色技术以及光学显微镜和电子显微镜检查、研究组织结构的学科。

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