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“Sir Phillip Otton and his fellow Commissioners are presently taking statements of mitigation before deciding the appropriate sanctions. A statement detailing these shall follow in due course.

“Since there exist a number of different types of consumers (individuals, officials, government agencies, insurance and other companies, police and fire fighting departments), predictions with vastly different uncertainties are of interest. “由于存在着不同种类的客户〔个人、官员、政府机关、保险公司和其它公司、警察和消防部门〕,他们对带有不同广泛确定值的预测感兴趣。
“Since you ask, it makes me ache. I have lupus, they tell me. A mild form, whatever that means.” Her grimace he took to be sarcastic. “既然你问了,就告诉你:它让我疼痛。他们说我长了狼疮。轻度的狼疮,管它那是什么意思呢。”他觉得她说这番话时做的那个鬼脸是在讥讽他。
“Since you've spent some time and energy configuring the nails,” suggests the consultant, “why don't you try lifting it onto the vertical nail. 「既然你们已经花了些时间和精神找出解答,为何不试著真的把那堆钉子放上去?」训练员说。
“Singer breaks shores of silence,” screamed the headline. “歌手打破了寂静的海岸”——一个醒目的大标题!
“Singing while driving stimulates not only the mind but also the body which in turn produces heightened alertness and reduced fatigue,” said Dr Nicola Dibben, a music psychologist from the University of Sheffield. 「开车时唱歌,刺激的不只是神智,身体也会随之提高警觉,并降低疲劳感,」来自(英国)雪菲尔德大学的音乐心理学家妮可拉.狄本表示。
“Sir Phillip Otton and his fellow Commissioners are presently taking statements of mitigation before deciding the appropriate sanctions. A statement detailing these shall follow in due course. 在决定适当的制裁前,菲利浦-奥顿爵士及其同僚委员目前正在审查减刑申诉。有具体细节的声明将在合适时间公布。
“Sister Ann, Sister Ann, are three men in the dust? “安姐姐,安姐姐,尘土中是不是有三个男人?”
“Sister Ann, Sister Ann,” said Fatima, “is there anyone in the dust? “安姐姐,安姐姐,”芬蒂玛问,“尘土里有人吗?”
“Sister Wang, where are we going with this much pomp and circumstance?” “王姐,咱们这么大阵势是要去哪里啊?”
“Sit down together for family meals. Make it an event - a time to share news and tell stories. Eating in front of the television fosters mindless munching. 全家坐在一起吃饭。可以将聚餐弄成一种分享新鲜事和讲故事活动。在电视前面吃饭让人漫不经心的咀嚼食物。
“Sixty years of Palestinian dispossession, 40 years under occupation, a stop-and-go peace process — all this has left a bitter legacy of disappointment and despair on all sides. 约旦国王阿卜杜拉当地时间7日在美国参众两院发表演讲时说,“巴勒斯坦被人剥夺家园60年,被人占领40年,以及跌跌撞撞的和平进程,所有的这些给各方留下的遗产只会是痛苦的失望与绝望。”

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