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Advices were just received from our Washington correspondent.
刚刚收到本报驻华盛顿记者的最新报道。 ▲ 此处作“处理“,”应付“解释。

Advice relating to these recommendations should be included in the ‘scope decontamination policy and include careful consideration of their endoscope manufacturer and ‘scope washers’ documentation. 有关这些推荐的咨询应包括在” 内镜去污染规章”之中,并包括仔细考察其内镜制造商和“内镜清洗器”文献。
Advice should always be consumed to between two thick slices of doubt. 对任何劝告都该三思而后行。
Advice to investors was based on the premise that interest rates would continue to fall. 给予投资者的建议是以利率将继续下降这一点为前提的.
Advice to investors was based on the premise that interest rates would continue to fall. 对投资者的建议是以利率会继续下跌为根据的。
Advices from abroad indicate that war is about to begin. 来自国外的消息表明战争即将开始。
Advices were just received from our Washington correspondent. 刚刚收到本报驻华盛顿记者的最新报道。 ▲ 此处作“处理“,”应付“解释。
Advisability is nothing but the fragrance of rose that is flowering in your heart. 明智就是在你心中盛开的玫瑰的芳香,除此之外,它什么也不是。
Advise CEO on the development of credit procedures relevant to Company's loan products. Review other Company partner credit policies and glean relevant procedures for inclusion in Company China's methodology. 就有关贷款产品的信控程序向CEO提出建议.复查其他合作伙伴的信用政策并借鉴适合公司文化的相应程序.
Advise CEO on the development of credit procedures relevant to OIC loan products. Review other OI partner credit policies and glean relevant procedures for inclusion in OI China's methodology. 就有关贷款产品的信控程序向CEO提出建议.复查其他合作伙伴的信用政策并借鉴适合公司文化的相应程序.
Advise NCPP IPMT Construction Director and Contractors' construction managers on best practice and HSSE program developments. 为宁煤烯烃项目一体化管理组的施工主任和承包商的施工经理就如何制订最佳的施工惯例和HSSE计划出谋划策。
Advise control of foods with high amounts of sugars, fats or alcohol. 建议控制高糖,高脂或高酒精饮食。

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