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But the sisters of fate is an opponent even Zeus cannot defy.

But the sides were said to be close to a two-year deal for about $23 million. 但双方都说比较期望能签下二年2300万的合约。
But the significant thing is not the behavior of the players but the attitude of the spectators;and behind the spectators,of the nations who work themseves into furies over the absurd contests,and seriously believe-at any rate for short period-that runing 让人意味深长的不是运动员的行为而是观众的态度,以及观众后面的对这些可笑的比赛如痴如狂的各国的态度,他们一本正经的以为--至少在短时间内是如此-赛跑、跳高喝踢球都是对国力强弱的检验。
But the signs of job growth do not look so good for liberal arts graduates. 但是为文科毕业生提供的工作增长率并不被看好。
But the simple carol of this novice struck at your love. 但是这初学的简单的音乐,却得到了你的赏识。
But the simple fact that we have evolved highly visible eyes, to which infants attune even before language, supplies at least one small piece of the puzzle of how. 人类在进化中形成了可以轻易被追随目光的双眸,即使不会说话的婴儿也能利用这一特点,这至少为揭示人类进化之谜提供了一点线索。
But the sisters of fate is an opponent even Zeus cannot defy. 只不过,命运三姐妹是连宙斯都无法反抗的存在。
But the situation changed when the Prussian army reached Waterloo to help the British. 但是,当普鲁士军队抵达滑铁卢给予英国军队支援的时候,形势急转。
But the skilful attacker wouldn't be adverse to seeing another addition to United's squad in the form of West Ham target Carlos Tevez. 但这名出色的攻击手并不反对曼联买下西汉姆的特维斯。
But the sky changed from a rain of hate to a blue sky of hope. 但是天变了,从一个讨厌的雨天变成我们所希望的蓝天。
But the small English ships combined with a fierce storm defeated the huge Spanish fleet. 但是借助于猛烈的暴风雨,弱小的英国船只战胜了强大的西班牙舰队。
But the small wooden boat hitched by the string in the shore, appears not comfortable, only can sway its body from side to side. 而被绳子栓在岸边的小木船,却显得不那么自在,只能扭动着身躯。

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