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Subsequent endoureterotomy with balloon dilatation effectively treated stenosis of the ureter.

Subsequent attacks, such as the bombings in Madrid, Bali and London, have been one-day market events. 随后发生在马德里,柏林和伦敦的恐怖袭击,对证券市场的影响也仅有一天之久。
Subsequent coat: various chlorinated rubber topcoats and antifouling paints. 后道配套用漆:各色氯化橡胶面漆、各种防污漆等。
Subsequent coats: Any antifouling paints or topcoats. Excellent adhesion to bare steel. 后道配套用漆:。可以是各种防污漆或各种面漆,与裸钢附着力极好。
Subsequent confirmatory tests conducted in March 2004 showed that the patient had been infected with avian influenza A (H7N2) virus. 随后2004年3月进行的再次检查中确诊这名患者是感染了甲型禽流感(H7N2)病毒。
Subsequent empresses put their own stamp on the building, overseeing a continuing series of additions and renovations. 而那一系列的附加建筑和修改也昭示着后来的女皇们在这建筑上留下了的印记。
Subsequent endoureterotomy with balloon dilatation effectively treated stenosis of the ureter. 进一步的气球扩张术亦成功地治疗了病人的输尿管狭窄。
Subsequent events proved me wrong. 后来发生的事证明我错了.
Subsequent events vindicatedhis suspicions. 後来的事实表明他的怀疑有道理.
Subsequent examination showed the cause was infestation with Thelazia species. 后续的检查发现是眼结膜吸允线虫的感染。
Subsequent experiments confirmed Einstein's predictions, and for his explanation of the photoelectric effect, Einstein won the 1921 Nobel Prize in Physics. 随后的实验证实了爱因斯坦的预测,由于他对光电效应的解释,爱因斯坦得到1921年的诺贝尔物理奖。
Subsequent galleryaccess should be faster. 以后访问磁盘上的图片就会快很多。

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