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However, every game is a different story, and that against the Sicilians definitely showed an unbrilliant Milan, unable to react to the lift of a brave and courageus Messina.

However, even though we mentioned the fact that growing numbers of women are working outside the home, the father is still thought by many as the breadwinner in the household. 然而,即使我们提到越来越多的女人在外工作,父亲仍然被一些人认为是家庭中养家糊口的人。
However, even today, poor, uneducated blacks do not always receive the same degree of justice that the more affluent and better educated can expect. 尽管如此,即便今天,与那些富有的受教育阶层所能享有的相比,一直以来,贫困而未受教育的黑人还是没有得到同等而公正的对待。
However, even with the best detection imaginable, it is impossible to give much advance notice. 可是,即使是可以想像出的最好的监测设备,也不可能给出什么预先通知。
However, event-driven programming still contains some tricky aspects. 另一方面,事件驱动型的编程方法也包含需要技巧的方面。
However, every booking agent needs to be trained in car rentals and hotel bookings. 然而,所有订票处都需要经过有关租车服务和酒店预订的员工培训。
However, every game is a different story, and that against the Sicilians definitely showed an unbrilliant Milan, unable to react to the lift of a brave and courageus Messina. 不过,每一场比赛都是一段完全不同的故事,面对西西里球队我们看到的是一支黯然失色的米兰,无法在勇敢顽强的梅西纳面前扭转局面。
However, every newspaper has their own editorial line and that's up to them. 不过,每个报纸都有它们自己的评论标准,这取决于它们。
However, everyone has their own way of realizing their dream. 但是每个人实现理想的方式各不相同。
However, examples include: - Auditory subliminal message system and method. 然而例子包括:-听力潜意识信息系统和方法。
However, except in cases where there is additional agreement, (the owner) may not provide to any third party the revised document, without the agreement of the software copyright holder or his legal transferee. 但除另有协议外,未经该软件著作权人或者其合法受让者的同意,不得向任何第三方提供修改后的文本。
However, exiles are more open-minded and may team up with others (whether neraphim, githzerai, or some other-planar race) in order to survive. 流放者们往往更开通且与他人(涅拉蟾,吉斯泽莱人,或者其他位面的种族)合作以生存。

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