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Based on the spectrum of Mean Sea Level (MSL) and the relation model between two tidal stations, the mathematical model for hydrographic datum transfer are studied.

Based on the sound wave transferring theory of infinite elastic and viscoelastic materials with the method of transferring matrix, the formulas of transmission coefficient and the level of sound insulation are gained, which consider shearing strength in t 摘要基于无限大弹性体和粘弹性体的波传递理论,采用传递矩阵的方法,对斜入射情况下的透射系数和隔声量进行了理论推导,考虑了声波在橡胶中传播所产生的剪切力,并就单层复合结构的隔声性能进行了详细的研究,进而也分析了多层复合结构的隔声性能。
Based on the special geological conditions, the paper gives an analysis on spatial distribution properties of soil and water loss in Guizhou Province, and gives the detail description for each area. 从贵州省特殊的地质条件出发,分析了全省水土流失的空间分异规律,对各区水土流失特征进行了详细的阐述。
Based on the specialty of medical insurance and status quo of medical institutions, to prevent misuse of medical fund and protect rights of the insurants, this paper calls for strengthening of medical insurance management and intendance. 鉴于医保工作的特点和医疗机构的现状,本文提出应增强医疗保险管理监督检查工作的力度,以杜绝医疗保险基金的流失,保障参保人的合法权益。
Based on the specific facts of the economic growth in China, this paper modified the Solow Model and then estimated the possibility of the growth rate. 本文根据中国经济增长的特徵事实,对索洛模型做出了一些修正,并据此对中国经济增长的可能性进行了重新估算。
Based on the specimens deposited in the Herbarium of Northwest Institute of Plateau Biology, the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and relevant literature, it was found that 82 species and 37 varieties belonging to 54 genera and 19 families are endemic to Qing 摘要主要依据中国科学院西北高原生物研究所青藏高原生物标本馆内所存标本为基础,结合对相关资料的全面收集,整理出青海特有植物82种和37变种,隶属19科54属。
Based on the spectrum of Mean Sea Level (MSL) and the relation model between two tidal stations, the mathematical model for hydrographic datum transfer are studied. 基于平均海面的频谱结构和两验潮站潮位之间的关系模型,对基准面传递的方法原理进行了理论研究。
Based on the spot check data, this article analyses the urban poverty actuality of Lanzhou and the causation of urban poverty in the big and middling cities of western region, so as to find out corresponding measures to lighten the urban poverty. 文章以兰州市为例,利用课题组2005年8月对该市的入户调查数据,分析了其城市贫困的现状及成因,并提出了相应对策建议。
Based on the squeezing effect in the process of pile sinking, the squeezing behaviour of concrete-cored sand-gravel piles is analyzed by applying cavity expansion theory and consolidation theory. 从挤土桩沉桩过程产生的挤土效应出发,运用圆孔扩张理论和固结理论,分析了混凝土芯砂石桩的挤土性状。
Based on the stability and biocompatibility of the QDs, it is possible to make movies of long-term interaction of biological molecules in a living cell by tagging each biomolecule with different color of QDs. 基于量子点的稳定性和生物相容性,有可能通过标记不同颜色的量子点到不同的分子,观察它们在活细胞内的运动。
Based on the stat datum of Huzhou, this paper constitutes the evaluation index system and analyzes the water environmental hearing capacity trend of Huzhou, then elicits that the water environmental bearing capacity of Huzhou still has a gap from that of 根据湖州地区的相关统计资料,建立了水环境承载力评价指标体系,分析了湖州近几年以及将来的水环境承载力变化趋势,得出该地区水环境承载能力与生态市目标还有一段距离。
Based on the static pile testing, the analysis of load transfer and settlement and a new means to reach the bearing capacity of piles are reported in this paper. 在现场的桩基垂直静载荷试验基础上,进行荷载传递机理分析和沉降变形的阶段性划分,探讨了确定单桩竖向承载力的新方法,为工程合理、充分地利用承载力提供参考。

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