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Access will be allowed to Churchill's private quarters, showing a personal side of the wartime prime minister, director of London's Cabinet War Rooms museum Phil Reed said.

Access to social grants for all who have on basic income. 增加社会补助金给所有人使得到基本收入。
Access to the retention Samples must be limited to authorized persons. Any withdrawal of Material from retention Samples must be authorized by Quality Assurance and Documented. 接触留样仅限于经授权的人员。从留样中取样必须由质量保证部批准并记录。
Access to this web page is restricted by CyberCTM Filtering Service. 浏览此网页己被澳门电讯互联网服务的「过滤网络」服务限制.
Access to water is intricately linked to the achievement of most of the Millennium Development Goals, which include halving extreme poverty and hunger by 2015, halting the spread of HIV/AIDS and ensuring primary education for all children in the same time 获得水资源与实现大部分千年发展目标密切相关,其中包括在2015年之前将极端贫穷和饥饿人口减半,遏止艾滋病毒/艾滋病的蔓延以及在同一时期内确保普及小学教育。
Access units engaged in business operations within their own provinces (or regions, municipalities) shall apply to competent authorities charged with the administration of profit-making interconnected units or other competent authorities at the provincial 在本省(区)、市内经营的接入单位应当向经营性互联单位主管部门或者经其授权的省级主管部门申请领取国际联网经营许可证。
Access will be allowed to Churchill's private quarters, showing a personal side of the wartime prime minister, director of London's Cabinet War Rooms museum Phil Reed said. 伦敦战时密室博物馆的负责人菲尔·雷德说,公众可以参观丘吉尔二战时期在地下掩体中的私人住所,从而了解这位著名的英国首相在战时的生活情况。
Access your files from any web browser. 通过任何浏览器管理你自己的文件。
Accessibility : From Beijing Badaling, go West on the export of high-speed Changping, two kilometres north of West Guan's Huandao that is, 110 State Road east, western Badaling high speed. 交通方便:从北京市内走八达岭高速昌平西关出口下,西关环岛向北两公里即是,东邻110国道,西邻八达岭高速。
Accessibility is an important part of the HTML standard. 可访问性是HTML标准的重要组成部分。
Accessing object through direct pointers without fixing it in memory. 通过直接指针访问对象之前没有先把对象固定下来。
Accessing the Internet is a security risk. 访问互联网会承担一定的风险。

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