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Her encouragement word: Jesus Christ can wash his disciples' feet, why I can't knee down myself and draws a beautiful picture on other's feet!

Her emotional appeal left him completely cold. 她虽动情,他却无动于衷。
Her emotions are not protected. 她的感情没有得到保护。
Her empire has been conquered by a young upstart general, Octavian ,the grand nephew of her former lover,Julius Caesar. 她的帝国被她的前情人凯撒的侄子,一位年轻的新贵,将军吴大维占领了。
Her encouragement determined me to carry on with the work. 她的鼓励使我决定把这项工作继续下去。
Her encouragement gave me a great sense of uplift. 她鼓励我激发了我的上进心.
Her encouragement word: Jesus Christ can wash his disciples' feet, why I can't knee down myself and draws a beautiful picture on other's feet! 她的格言:耶稣基督能给门徒洗脚,我为什么不能鄙躬屈膝,在他人脚上画出最健美的图画呢!
Her endless patience made her the best nurse in the hospital. 无限的耐心使她成为这个医院最好的护士。
Her endurance of pain was incredible. 她对痛苦的忍耐力令人难以置信。
Her enemies are scheming her downfall. 她的敌人阴谋打垮她。
Her enthusiasm for the expedition was waning rapidly. 她对这次出行的热劲迅速减低.
Her enthusiasm, hard work and dedication won her bronze medals in the women's 50-metre breaststroke at the 4th East Asian Games and the 7th Asian Swimming Championships. 凭著信心和坚持,孙同学早前在「第四届东亚运动会」和「第七届亚洲游泳锦标赛」的女子组五十米蛙泳项目中均取得铜牌。

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