Questions: Which fields do you want Chinese investors to invest in Senegal?
记者:您希望中国的投资者在塞内加尔哪几个领域进行投资? |
Question:You used the transcallosal-interseptal-interforniceal approach to remove the third ventricle tumor. If the tumor extended into the lateral ventricle, what did you do?
问:你做经胼胝体-透明隔间隙-穹隆间入路切除第三脑室内的肿瘤,如肿瘤长入侧脑室,你如何处理? |
Queue forme at the ticket office when the news of the fare reduction get out.
票价下调的消息一传出,售票处前就排起了队。 |
Queue here for a taxi.
等候出租汽车在此排队. |
Queueing: Provides bandwidth control and packet prioritization.
队列:提供带宽控制和包优先化。 |
Qui Veut Gagner Des Millions?
谁想做百万富翁? |
Qui est premier ministre au Canada?
加拿大总理是谁? |
Qui est-ce ?
这是谁? |
Qui-Gon Jinn might not be there to free them, but there was nothing coincidental about his coming here and meeting Anakin.
奎刚-金也许不是来解放他们的,但他的到来以及他和安纳金的相遇也远不止巧合那么简单。 |
Qui-Gon approached slowly, with just enough deliberate rustling so as not to startle her. She turned her head, and moved aside on the step as he approached.
奎刚慢慢走近她,尽量放轻步子以免惊吓着她。她转过头看见了他,于是往一旁挪了挪。 |
Qui-Gon took a sip and nodded approvingly. It's very good.
奎刚呡了一小口,满意地点头,“味道非常好。” |