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Dukakis has a history of enduring, even excelling at, hardball campaigns.

Duff readily concedes he had to go,but is not looking back. 达夫欣然承认他“不得不走。”,但是没有论及过去的日子。
Duff, 28, has been ruled out for the rest of the season with an ankle injury, after he limped out of Saturday's 2-1 defeat at Portsmouth. 达夫,28岁,在周1:2输给朴茨茅斯的比赛中一瘸一拐走出场地之后,因确认脚踝受伤在这个赛季剩下的时间里遗憾出局。
Dugout canoes are used to tra ort fresh goods to the market. 独木舟用于运输新鲜食物到市场上去。
Duh, R. R., November 1992, Culture, Experience and Audit Judgment , Presented at the Plenary Session of the Fourth Asian-Pacific Conference on International Accounting Issues, Dunedin, New Zealand. 杜荣瑞1990,审计人员之资讯使用与判断行为,第二届会计理论与实务研讨会论文集,台大管理学院主办.
Duhang Industrial Zone occupies 120 ha and takes geographical advantage: in the west, it is close to Huangpu River and Yanpu Expressway, 25km away from Huangpu River Guangang port, 6 km away from Xupu Bridge, and between Hongqiao International Airport and 杜行工业开发区占地120公顷,地理位置优越,水、陆、空交通便捷,它西临黄浦江,紧靠沿浦快速干道(该干道与成都路高架道相接,直通星火开发区),距黄浦江关港码头25公里,距徐浦大桥6公里,处于虹桥机场和浦东国际机场之间;北临外环线浦东新区,交通便利,四通八达。
Dukakis has a history of enduring, even excelling at, hardball campaigns. 杜卡基斯一向能承受,甚至擅长选举硬仗。
Dukakis has a history of enduring, even excelling at, hardball campaigns. This one follows a classic pattern: Be positive long enough for voters to get to know you. Then go for the gut. 杜卡基斯一向能承受,甚至擅长选举硬仗。此一选战遵守经典格式:乐观进取,持之以恒,直到成为先民所熟识人物。然后攻击要害。
Duke Ai asked,“What shall I do that the common people may be submissive?” 鲁哀公问道:“要做什么事情才能使百姓服从你?”
Duke Ji Chang of Zhou was extremely popular among the vassal states at the same time that King Zhou was hastening the Shang Dynasty to its end. 在纣王逐渐众叛亲离的时候,周国的领袖姬昌却正在赢得越来越多的支持者。
Duke Journal of Comparative & International Law--- 杜克比较法和国际法期刊,杜克大学主办,全文.
Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy--- 杜克性别法律和政策期刊,杜克大学主办,全文.

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