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My keys are in my coat pocket.

My judgement was based on my assessment and pt's priority. 译)我的行为判断是基于我对病人的检查评估和病人当时的首要需要上的.
My judgement was frequently faulty, but my loyalty to the nation could not be questioned. 我的判断经常出错,但是我对祖国的忠诚是无可置疑的。
My judgment is that you should not resign. 我的看法是你不应辞职。
My jumper has gone (ie has worn into holes) at the elbows. 我的毛衣肘部已磨坏.
My key please, room number 77. 请给我77号房间的钥匙。
My keys are in my coat pocket. 我的钥匙在我外套的口袋里。
My kid is a whiz at all sorts of games. 我的小孩可是个游戏高手。
My kid sister has a splendid memory. 我小妹有了不起的记忆力。
My kids don't like the bitter taste of Chinese herbal medicine. 我的孩子们不喜欢中国草药的苦味。
My king and queen, I was just entertaining your guests. 我的王与皇后,我只是招待你们的客人。
My kingdom is not of this world, I am not those kind of people you think I am. 我的国不属这个世界,而我,也并不是你所看待的那种人。

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