In this culture it is polite to burp after a meal to express appreciation and thanks to the cook.
在这个文化里餐后打嗝儿是礼貌的,可表达欣赏及对厨子的感谢。 |
In this cyber-age I scanned it and send it to you with the hope that it will circulate wider and bless more beings.
在这个电脑时代,我将之扫瞄并传给大家希望能够增广流传并随之加持更多的众生。 |
In this cycle, we'll be enjoying hot pot on a hot summer's day!
这回,我们将在火热的夏天享受到火锅的魅力! |
In this day and age one cannot rely upon the expertise of even competent Doctors because they are unaware of such nefarious activities and are diagnosing the symptoms incorrectly where they are actually from such electronic attacks.
在今天,一个人不能依靠专家甚至是专家医生,由于他们无法意识到这样的邪恶的活动,并且不正确的诊断这些症状,但它们实际上来源于这样的电子攻击。 |
In this debate, too, I am a reluctant regulator.
在这场争论中,同样,我勉强算一个监督者。 |
In this dedication of a Nation, we humbly ask the blessing of God.
值此全国奉献之际,我们恳请上帝赐福。 |
In this design, the museum is shaped like a white water lily.
在这个设计中,博物馆以白睡莲为原型。 |
In this desperate situation, the two will fight together!!
在这急要的关头,他们俩人并肩作战!! |
In this detailed recreation of medieval England, Rob Cole leaves poor, disease-ridden London to make his way across the land by hustling, juggling, and peddling cures to the sick.
在此详细康在中世纪的英格兰,抢柯尔树叶穷人疾病缠身伦敦闯神州大地的喧哗,戏法,贩药给病人. |
In this development process, engineering accreditation system has played an important role.
工程认证体系对工程伦理教育的发展起到了重要推动作用。 |
In this developmental stage, the extinction of death punishment is a process that develops from top to bottom.
就目前的发展态势而言,死刑的废止运动将是一个自上而下进行推广的过程,将是限制-废止模式的应用。 |