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He is little known as an artist.

He is likely to arrive at any time. 他可能随时会到。
He is likely to be very bright and find learning so easy that he becomes a prodigy or geniusat mathematics. 他可能是非常聪明的,会觉得学习这么容易而成为数学上的一名奇才或天才。
He is likely to get hurt because he always trusts people easily. 他很容易受伤, 因为他很轻易就相信别人。
He is listening in to Radio Beijing. 他正在收听北京广播电台的广播。
He is literally a battering ram with those elbows. 当他挥舞起他的两个铁肘时,就完全象是一头横冲直撞的公羊。
He is little known as an artist. 他是个不出名的艺术家。
He is lively and outgoing. 他很活泼开朗。
He is living a double life- a church warden by day and a thief by night. 他以前过着双重人格的生活--白天当教区委员、夜里当贼。
He is living in Taipei now. 他目前正住在台北。
He is living in a fool\'s paradise, in reality he hasn\'t a week to live. 他在做黄粱美梦,其实,他已活不到一个星期。
He is living in a newly-built house where there used to be a pond . 他现在居住的新房是原先一个池塘的旧址。

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