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When you run up against barriers that keep you from those ideals, the stronger your commitment, the more likely you are to short-term best interests.

When you return to the Properties dialog box, click OK. 当你回到“属性”对话框,点击“确认”按钮。
When you return to the hotel, please show this hotel card to the taxi driver. 当您要返回酒店时,请向出租车司机出示一下酒店名片。
When you roll the clay through the pasta machine a few times the mica particles all line up the same direction so that the flat surface will be very shiny. 当你把软陶泥放进擀泥机,擀数次后,云母颗粒就会按照一样的顺序跟方向排列,这样,很平的软陶泥表面就会呈现有闪亮的颗粒效果。
When you run into other people say excuse you, jerk. 撞到别人时说”我原谅你,混球。”
When you run the project, ReportBuilder will use your AutoSearch dialog instead of the built-in dialog. 你然后增加包含对你的计画的这新会话的单位。
When you run up against barriers that keep you from those ideals, the stronger your commitment, the more likely you are to short-term best interests. 当你突然遇到那些阻挠你完成这些理念的障碍时,你的献身感愈强烈,就愈可能采取符合那些理念的行动,甚至不计较这行动可能损及你短期内的最佳利益。
When you say quality,are you talking about noise? 你说到的“质量”,是不是指“噪音”?
When you see Jack tomorrow, remember me to him. 明天你看到杰克时,代我向他问好。
When you see Mr Bush featured in a political television ad, you can be pretty confident that a Democrat put him there. 当你们看到布什先生在一个电视的政治广告宣传中做主要角色时,你们可以相当确信那是民主党的安排。
When you see Mr Bush featured in a political television ad,you can be pretty confident that a Democrat put him there. 如果你在电视政治广告中看到布什,毫无疑问,一定是某个民主党人把他放上去的。
When you see a police car, don't floor it. 当你看到警车时,别开快车。

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