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Pimple products in the pipeline combine several medicines to make regime easier on the patient.

Pilot: Yes, Fox and Golf Companies have already been evacuated. You're the last ones out here. 驾驶员:对,F连和G连已经撤离。能干活的就剩你们了。
Pilotage refers to the guidance by personnel familiar with the geographical, hydrological and meteorological conditions in given water zones, proficient in eh relevant statutes, rich in navigational expertise and skillful in ship maneuvering, the guidance 引航是指熟悉一定水域的地理环境、水文气象及有关法规,并具有丰富的驾驶经验和船舶操纵技能的人员引领船舶进出港口,或在江河内海一定区域航行。
Pilotless aircraft operation in Kosovo war, pilotless aircraft's characteristics, operational application, technique development trend were analyzed in this paper. 综述了无人机在科索沃战争中的应用,无人机特点,作战应用发展和技术发展趋势。
Pilots are sorely needed in China—each year the airlines require roughly another 2,000 of them—and flying schools are setting up in droves. 在中国,飞行员十分紧缺——航空公司每年大约短缺2000名飞行员,许多飞行学校也相继成立,(因而对这种训练机型的需求也就越来越大)。
Pilots were in their cockpits, ready to be launched for action. 飞行员已坐进驾驶舱,一切准备就绪,正待命出发。
Pimple products in the pipeline combine several medicines to make regime easier on the patient. 治疗丘疹的产品和其他药物一起使用可以使患者的疗法更加简单。
Pimple products in the pipeline combine several medicines to make regimens easier on the patient. 治疗丘疹的产品和其他药物一起使用可以使患者的疗法更加简单。
Pin ads on the walls for meetings. 开会时先将作品钉在墙上。
Pin is designed to serve as both a spacer and a pilot pin.When squeezing action embeds its head into a hold in a metal sheet, displaced material of the sheet is compelled to flow into the groove of the pin head for self-clinching. 导销集间隔垫块和引导销于一体,当它头部被冲压进金属板上孔中时,板上材料会被挤进导销头部上的槽内从而使导销自行固定.
Pin my medals upon my chest ! 在我胸口别上勋章!
Pin not your faith on mother’s sleeve. 不能把信心建立在父母身上。 / 不能老是靠母亲。

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