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Emigration had carried to its shores shoals of men and women.

Emerson's Power &Water Solutions industry center will coordinate and supervise the project. 艾默生的电力解决方案部的工业中心将协调和指导该项目。
Emerson's great reputation as a spokesman for American Transcendentalism makes quite a few readers neglect the fact that he is also a very incisive social critic. 摘要爱默森对超越主义的大力提倡,使不少讀者忽略他同时也是一位敏锐的社会批评家。
Emerson, Robert. Holistic Effects in Social Control Decision-Making.In The Law and Society Reader. 社会控制决策的整体效应>,《法律与社会读本》。
Emerson, Robert. The Face of Contemporary Ethnography.Contemporary Field Research. Pp. 27-53. 当代民族志原貌〉《当代田野调查研究》27-53页。
Emery said he now wanted to test people using music of their own choice. 埃莫里说,他现在想要测试一下那些自己选择音乐的人。
Emigration had carried to its shores shoals of men and women. 移民使成群结队的男男女女来到了它的海岸。
Emigration have carry to its shore shoal of men and women. 移民使成群结队的男男女女来到了它的海岸。
Emigration will solve our problems. 移民能解决我们的问题.
Emigres in London said the onslaught had got “more and more hysterical”. 在英国的移居者说这场冲击已变得越来越歇斯底里。
Emiko came home a little tipsy from the party. 惠美子带着一些醉意从晚会上回到家。
Emile will have none of it so she goes after Emile's friend Alfred. 但她的男友埃米尔并没有这个打算,于是她只好求助于埃米尔的朋友阿尔弗雷德。

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